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The Different Skies of Antarctica!

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Quiz: How cold must the stratosphere be for Nacreous Clouds or Polar Stratospheric Clouds to form?
Antarctic Skies.
Pentex K1000
Date 1993 - 1994
The pictures on this site may be downloaded for private use. You may NOT republish them at another site without first purchasing them from PeigLar©. All pictures on this site are the property of PeigLar™.
ant moon 01s.jpg ant moon 02s.jpg ant moon 03s.jpg
Moon behind the cross on Observation Hill During the Antarctic winter right after Lunch some time in August 1994.
ant nacreous clouds 01.jpg 400 black table cell bar.jpg Nacreous Clouds or Polar Stratospheric Clouds.
400 black table cell bar.jpg Nacreous clouds are clouds that form in the winter polar stratosphere above the troposphere. ant nacreous clouds 02.jpg
ant nacreous clouds 03.jpg 400 black table cell bar.jpg Once you see them you’ll never forget how beautiful they are.
400 black table cell bar.jpg Sunrise over the Trans-Antarctic Mountains from McMurdo. ant sunrise 02.jpg
ant sunrise 01.jpg 400 black table cell bar.jpg After the long Antarctic winter, sunrises last for hours.
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Sunset behind an erupting Mt. Erebus.

Click on picture for Desktop Background Picture page formatted for 1024 x 768 pixel resolution.

ant sunrise mte 01dt.jpg
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Click on to contact us. Web Masters are Peigi and Larry. This page last updated when ever we get around to it. PeigLar™and homeimages05.gif @hotmail.com since 1999.
Answer to Quiz ==> -108f (-78c) or cloder.